venerdì 24 agosto 2012
venerdì 15 giugno 2012
venerdì 8 giugno 2012
domenica 13 maggio 2012
domenica 22 aprile 2012
giovedì 19 aprile 2012
mercoledì 18 aprile 2012
lunedì 16 aprile 2012
lunedì 26 marzo 2012
lunedì 19 marzo 2012
TileCloud · GitHub
TileCloud is a powerful utility for generating, managing, transforming, visualising and map tiles in multiple formats.
venerdì 16 marzo 2012
lunedì 12 marzo 2012
domenica 11 marzo 2012
venerdì 9 marzo 2012
mercoledì 7 marzo 2012
martedì 6 marzo 2012
lunedì 5 marzo 2012
Olsocial. L'integrazione di social networking OpenLayers
Rilasciato Olsocial.
Questa libreria permette di aggiungere una sola riga di codice i dati provenienti da Twitter, Flickr, LastFM, Yelp e molti altri attraverso POIProxy.
Questa libreria permette di aggiungere una sola riga di codice i dati provenienti da Twitter, Flickr, LastFM, Yelp e molti altri attraverso POIProxy.
domenica 4 marzo 2012
lunedì 27 febbraio 2012
sabato 25 febbraio 2012
martedì 21 febbraio 2012
A library for creating D3 vizualizations from a Backbone.CartoDB model object.
A library for creating D3 vizualizations from a Backbone.CartoDB model object.
giovedì 16 febbraio 2012
shapefile-js - GitHub
shapefile-js: A binary shapefile loader and canvas-based renderer, for javascript.
js-shapefile-to-geojson - GitHub
js-shapefile-to-geojson allows a user to load Shapefiles and DBFs into the browser with JavaScript.
Outputs as GeoJSON for use with other Mapping APIs such as OpenLayers.
Outputs as GeoJSON for use with other Mapping APIs such as OpenLayers.
mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012
ReadyMap - web mapping made easy - 3D WebGL globes
ReadyMap is a complete suite of tools for publishing and viewing maps - in 2D or 3D - as part of your web, mobile, or desktop applications.
ReadyMap: 3d globe in OpenLayers
ReadyMap is a new free open source JavaScript toolkit for rendering a 3D globe from OpenLayers data. ReadyMap uses WebGL and the HTML5 Canvas element to render 3D in the browser without a plugin. The developer creates an OpenLayers map model as usual, and then provides this to a ReadyMap view component that is embedded in the page.
sabato 4 febbraio 2012
martedì 31 gennaio 2012
JSXGraph | Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript
JSXGraph is a cross-browser library for interactive geometry, function plotting, charting, and data visualization in a web browser. It is implemented completely in JavaScript, does not rely on any other library, and uses SVG, VML, or canvas. JSXGraph is easy to embed and has a small footprint: less than 100 KByte if embedded in a web page. No plug-ins are required! Special care has been taken to optimize the performance.
lunedì 30 gennaio 2012
Script Runner: A Plugin to Run Python Scripts in QGIS
Un interessante plug-in per QGis che permette di eseguire script python.
Script Runner: A Plugin to Run Python Scripts in QGIS | Spatial Galaxy
Script Runner: A Plugin to Run Python Scripts in QGIS | Spatial Galaxy
giovedì 26 gennaio 2012
GeoExt Mobile
E' iniziato lo sviluppo di GeoExt Mobile.
"While GeoExt offers a "Toolkit for Rich Web Mapping Applications" these applications will not provide full functionality when accessed with mobile devices. With the ever-growing use of smartphones such as the IPhone, IPad or Android based devices to access internet resources, a rich toolkit for mapping applications directly targeted at these devices was missing."
Il codice è su GitHub GitHub
"While GeoExt offers a "Toolkit for Rich Web Mapping Applications" these applications will not provide full functionality when accessed with mobile devices. With the ever-growing use of smartphones such as the IPhone, IPad or Android based devices to access internet resources, a rich toolkit for mapping applications directly targeted at these devices was missing."
Il codice è su GitHub GitHub
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