lunedì 19 marzo 2012

TileCloud · GitHub

TileCloud is a powerful utility for generating, managing, transforming, visualising and map tiles in multiple formats.

lunedì 5 marzo 2012

Olsocial. L'integrazione di social networking OpenLayers

Rilasciato Olsocial.

Questa libreria permette di aggiungere una sola riga di codice i dati provenienti da Twitter, Flickr, LastFM, Yelp e molti altri attraverso POIProxy.

martedì 21 febbraio 2012

mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

ReadyMap - web mapping made easy - 3D WebGL globes

ReadyMap is a complete suite of tools for publishing and viewing maps - in 2D or 3D - as part of your web, mobile, or desktop applications.

ReadyMap: 3d globe in OpenLayers

ReadyMap is a new free open source JavaScript toolkit for rendering a 3D globe from OpenLayers data. ReadyMap uses WebGL and the HTML5 Canvas element to render 3D in the browser without a plugin. The developer creates an OpenLayers map model as usual, and then provides this to a ReadyMap view component that is embedded in the page.

martedì 31 gennaio 2012

JSXGraph | Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

JSXGraph is a cross-browser library for interactive geometry, function plotting, charting, and data visualization in a web browser. It is implemented completely in JavaScript, does not rely on any other library, and uses SVG, VML, or canvas. JSXGraph is easy to embed and has a small footprint: less than 100 KByte if embedded in a web page. No plug-ins are required! Special care has been taken to optimize the performance.


Creating and showing topographic profiles on the Web

GISoftware: Creating and showing topographic profiles on the Web

Spatail Data Infrastructure Goes Mobile


giovedì 26 gennaio 2012

GeoExt Mobile

E' iniziato lo sviluppo di GeoExt Mobile.

"While GeoExt offers a "Toolkit for Rich Web Mapping Applications" these applications will not provide full functionality when accessed with mobile devices. With the ever-growing use of smartphones such as the IPhone, IPad or Android based devices to access internet resources, a rich toolkit for mapping applications directly targeted at these devices was missing."

Il codice è su GitHub GitHub